SA Vampyre Culture Center Opens Online

The South African Vampyre Culture Center ( SAVCC ) has been established in order to create and manage an open, free and public reference to South African Vampyre culture.

This website is a project of House Valur and the South African Vampyre Alliance (SAVA) and is aimed at developing the Vampyre Community in South Africa.

Intended primarily for use by awakening or solitary Vampyres seeking the community, this resource will also cater for use by Mundanes and other non-Vampyres who are curious about Vampyres and the real Vampyre culture in South Africa in order to provide as clear a picture of Vampyre culture as possible.

One of the main aims of the resource is to refer seekers to the community, while debunking misconceptions maintained by mundanes and general critics who are partially or completely ignorant of Vampyres, what we are, what we do – what is true and false – and the ins and outs of our sub-culture.

Vistors may browse the material posted on the site by clicking on the links on the toolbar or on the side bar to the right.  Visitors may leave comments or post inquiries or make suggestions on individual articles.